Prominent Ear Correction
Prominent Ear Correction
Procedure Overview:
Procedure Time:
Anaesthetic Type:
Day or Overnight:
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Price from:
Procedure Overview:
Procedure Time:
Anaesthetic Type:
Day or Overnight:
Recuperation time:
Price from:
Too much ear cartilage can result in prominent ears. The aim of Otoplasty is remodeling the ear to produce a more aesthetically pleasing shape.
Ears are made of skin and most importantly, cartilage, which gives ears their complex shape. If the folds in the cartilage are poorly developed, prominence (sticking out) of the ears results. Occasionally an excess of cartilage worsens the prominence. It is a very common problem (5% of UK population) and although it is harmless it may make affected people feel insecure or embarrassed and can lead to teasing of affected schoolchildren. It often runs in families.
The aim of the surgery is to remodel the ear cartilage to produce a more aesthetically pleasing shape and correct the prominence.
Who is suitable for an otoplasty?
Ear reshaping surgery can be performed at any age after five years. Both children and adults can have an excellent outcome from the surgery. Satisfaction is high and many patients derive significant psychological benefits.
What does the operation involve?
There are two types of ear reshaping surgery that we offer at TPSG. One is the traditional suture technique the other is there new EarfoldTM technique which involves insertion of an implant to remodel the ear.
In children the operation is performed under general anaesthesia. In adults it can be performed as a local or general anaesthetic procedure. In the traditional technique a small incision is made on the back of the ear and stitches are used to accentuate the folds in the the cartilage. In the EarfoldTM technique incisions are made in front of the ear and a small implant is inserted on top of the cartilage in order to improve the fold.
What happens after the operation?
Your surgery will last between one to two hours and you will usually be able to go home the same day as your surgery. You will be placed in a head bandage before going home and asked to leave all dressings intact until you return to TPSG at 1 week for a wound check and dressing change. After 1 week you should be in minimal discomfort and be able to return to light duties at work at 1 – 2 weeks. We ask that you refrain from strenuous activity or exercise until 6 weeks after your surgery.
How long do the results last?
Ear reshaping surgery is an operation that is designed to last a lifetime.
What are the risks of an otoplasty?
When carried out by an appropriately qualified plastic surgeon there are very few complications associated with this surgery. However, minor complications include: mild skin infection, bleeding (blood clot requiring surgical drainage), noticeable scars, and asymmetry. There is also a 5% risk of recurrence of the prominence although this can be easily corrected. Your surgeon will go through the risks of the operation in more detail at your consultation.
Further Information on Ear Reshaping
BAAPS Patient Information On Otoplasty