Neck Lift
Neck Lift
Procedure Overview:
Procedure Time:
Anaesthetic Type:
Day or Overnight:
Recuperation time:
Price from:
Procedure Overview:
Procedure Time:
Anaesthetic Type:
Day or Overnight:
Recuperation time:
Price from:
As we age our skin loses its elasticity and sags and fat accumulates resulting in the loss of the well defined youthful contour of the neck. Unsightly muscle bands also appear. Neck lift or cervicoplasty/platysmaplasty can improve these changes leaving you with a slimmer youthful neck with a more attractive contour. In a certain group of patients, neck lift alone is adequate for facial rejuvenation and in others it may be carried out in tandem with other facial rejuvenating procedures such as a facelift.
Who is suitable for a neck lift?
The ideal candidate for a neck lift is someone who has an excess of skin and volume under their chin and wishes to have a surgical procedure to address these. There is no ideal age to have a neck lift as we all age differently. Both men and women may consider a neck lift and your surgeon will spend time listening to your concerns and then examine you before determining whether a neck lift is appropriate.
What does the operation involve?
The surgery typically takes 2 hours to perform and is carried out under a general anaesthetic. A small incision is made under the chin in order to access the underlying structures and sutures may be used to “lift” sagging structures. An additional incision might be needed behind the ear in order to achieve the best result. In some cases, additional liposuction is needed to contour the neck. After the surgery drains may be placed under the skin to help remove any excess fluid after the surgery. These are normally removed in the morning after the surgery.
What happens after the operation?
You will usually stay one night in hospital and then discharged home the next day. You will be followed up in the clinic after the surgery. You should plan to take two weeks off work. Light exercise can be commenced six weeks after the surgery.
How long do the results last?
A neck lift has an immediate and long lasting effect. However, it does not halt the ageing process and over many years the neck may regain its original appearance.
What are the risks of a necklift?
When a neck lift is performed by a suitably qualified plastic surgeon, patients rarely experience complications. However, some of the more common complications include: haematoma, minor skin infection, unfavourable wound healing (in particular in patients who smoke), and nerve damage which can lead to ear lobe numbness. Your surgeon will carefully go through the risks and complications of the surgery during your consultation.
Further information on Neck Lift Surgery:
ASPS Patient Information on Cervicoplasty